Traditional system with rails

Ground-mounted solar systems essentially all work the same—systems anchor to the ground and hold many stacked panels, often two but sometimes three or four panels high. Two rails usually support each panel, whether oriented in landscape or portrait. The anchoring to the ground is the tough part of these installations, as there are many different types of foundations.

A fixed panel support structure is usually positioned to the South in the Northern hemisphere and the North in the Southern hemisphere, to maximize daily production. The axis of a 1-axis panel support structure is usually oriented North-South. In this way, the system captures the sun

  • in the East in the morning
  • in the South/North at midday
  • in the West in the afternoon.
Ballasted structures

This is the ideal ground installation method if your soil cannot support excavation or drilling. In ballasted footing mounting, a pre-cast block made of concrete is anchored to the ground and supports your solar panels. Due to its construction strength, it’s among the most common in residential properties.

Tracking systems

To improve energy output,  we have tracking systems. These motorized ground-mounts track the sun throughout the day, ensuring the panels are facing the sun at all times. Panels are attached to similar racking tables as traditional ground-mounts, usually bolted or clamped into place, but there are different types of tracking systems.

The two main classifications of tracking systems are single-axis and dual-axis. Single-axis tracking systems span panels on long rows, following the sun from east to west. Dual-axis tracking systems separate out tables of panels and follow the sun on a more circular path for the best energy output.

Carports and canopies

Solar carports and canopies can be looked at as really, really tall ground-mounts. They are very common in commercial settings, especially at schools and business campuses. Reinforced concrete foundations hold large steel beams that support solar panels overhead. Carports can be designed to cover one row of parking spots, span over two rows or be as large as a project needs. Many carports can be equipped with electric vehicle charging stations for an extra bonus to cars sheltering underneath.